Primary Care
From treating ACUTE infections to managing CHRONIC ILLNESSES like diabetes and hypertension, we have got you covered.
We advocate for PREVENTIVE CARE and seamlessly link you to specialized services to ensure comprehensive support.
For those facing incurable conditions, our PALLIATIVE CARE prioritizes comfort and enhances quality of life within the comfort of your home environment.
If you are considering MEDICAL ASSISTANCE IN DYING (MAiD) due to a terminal illness, we are here to support you and offer comprehensive information about the process.
Primary Care includes, but are not necessarily limited to:
Diagnosis and treatment of common illnesses and injuries (cough / sore throat / mechanic falls / etc…)
Ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests (x-ray / lab work/ etc…)
Management & follow ups of chronic condition (arthritis / diabetes / asthma / hypertension / etc…)
Pre-operative teaching & Post-hospital discharge visit
Palliative care consultations
Specialists and community referrals
Well-baby exams
Lactation consultation
Second opinion consultations
Female & reproductive & STD consultation/teaching
Pre-employment medical exams
Performing point-of-care (instant) testing within your appointment
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Minor Surgical procedures:
Minor laceration management (gluing & suturing)
Ingrown nail treatment
Abscesses / sebaceous cyst drainage
Trigger point / trigger finger injections
Intro-joint (knee, shoulder) cortisone injections
Foley catheter insertion / care / flushing
Ears flush (earwax)
Constipation counseling & treatment (manual disimpaction)
Vaginal exam / PAPs tests
IUD insertion & removal
Diabetic & venous insufficiency ulcers management
Intramuscular / Intravenous / Subcutaneous injections
Vaccination (adults and kids)
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